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Dining Experience—Hello Space

Hello, Space was an interactive and immersive dining experience similar to the type events you’d see in New York and LA. The experience, was an extremely intimate two hour event for only 16 guests at a time. It featured video projection mapping technology, a locally sourced, multi-course dinner, and a narrative that took diners to outer space and across alien planets. The floor, walls, and even the table were projection-mapped as well as interactive!

For this internal project, we wanted to showcase our capabilities to people coming into our space for the first time, and with those might want to partner up with us down the line. What better way to do that than by hosting a super immersive sci-fi themed dinner?


From our team, Ben, Nathan, Luke, Theresa, and John Mark all contributed to this project. Chris Steinmetz started on at Electric Playhouse with us during this, saw all the craziness, and dove right in. And when we say craziness, we do mean it! To execute this project at the highest level, we needed to build walls and place projectors. We were swimming in wires! It was all worth it, though, to present the final project which started with a countdown to blast off and then led diners on an intergalactic journey through the stars.


In one miraculous moment, Ben and Nathan who had been working for 10 hours on bug fixes, (Ben focusing on getting the software and servers to communicate and Nathan focusing on getting everything with the internal software to click) suddenly and simultaneously had everything fall into place.

All in all, it took 3 weeks–and hundreds of hours of work during those weeks–20+ projectors, lots of energy, and buckets of excitement to pull together one of our favorite dining experiences. It’s the same enthusiastic all-hands-on-deck approach that we bring to our in-house dining experiences now and the ones we have on deck for the future.

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