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ABQ Biopark Zoo—Reptile House

What do you do with a dinosaur mural that feels as old as its subject matter? 

For our partnership with the ABQ Biopark, that was exactly the question we wanted to answer! The mural in question lived unchanged in the Reptile House at the ABQ Biopark Zoo for years while our scientific understanding of dinosaurs grew and evolved. 

So, we knew we had to find away to transform the outdated content, titles, and scientific information into something with new life. We augmented the existing mural by using a motion detection system and a 3-projector mapping system to trigger animated graphics and updated science facts as visitors approached. This way, we didn’t have to alter the original mural in anyway but we got to showcase a layered example of bringing the past into the present, technologically, scientifically, and in a way that was relevant and fun!

This is another awesome example of what we love to do: Refreshing existing spaces or creating new ones that immerse, surprise, excite, and encourage learning.

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